
So we’re all guilty of trying to get that perfect photo, whether it be for Instagram/Facebook or Twitter. We all know the perfect place in our house with that spot on lighting that makes you look like a mega babe or your children like angels.

How far does this go? Is your phone full of the photos that didn’t quite make the cut? Are you spending a little too long striving for the perfect snap? Are you become slightly obsessed with the little squares of your feed flowing in perfect co-ordination?

As I have mentioned before in a previous post, I really think it’s important to show our friends and followers the real you and your real life. There can be a negative effect on a mother at home with her brood seeing all the beautifully placed and almost merchandised photos, especially when she has baked beans in her hair and a disguarded nappy on the floor. It can play tricks on a gals mind that the whole world has got it far better than her, more fun, nicer clothes, a cleaner house for goodness sakes.

It may sound funny to some but taking five minutes to look at my phone during the day is my relaxation. My first go to is Instagram, where I scroll down gazing at the dreaminess of other people’s lifes. Of course I like looking at these gorgeous photos, as I do love taking nice pictures of my life too, but where do we draw the line?

How about we show a little more of what’s really going on behind our magical photos. Show a little chaos, a tough moment, when your feeling vulnerable with no make-up or how about just a big old pile of washing???

Here’s where #BehindTheFeed comes in. The wonderful Alexie Flook aka @alwaysalexie along with her blogging mama crew have come up with the amazing idea for us “insta” mamas and lovers to share a not so perfect photo with the world. It’s happening on 8th June and all you have to do is just be brave and go for something a little different from your classic feed using #BehindTheFeed. Share on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter (what ever you prefer!).

I personally feel really inspired by this idea, just to show a little behind the scenes. I cannot wait to see what pops up on my feed on this date, I will sure be spamming all that it bonkers and messy in my life. In some ways I feel it will empower us, let the guard down and show who we really are. Just forget about the squares of your feed being ever so matchey matchey. I really hope you lovely lot join in too! ❤ xxx

8th June #BehindTheFeed

Liebster Award!

In the blogging world, the Liebster award is an online recognition given to new bloggers by fellow bloggers for enjoying and valuing their work. It is meant to highlight and credit new up and coming blogs within our writing community.

The rules are as follows:
* Thank the blog that nominated you and link back to them.
* Answer 11 questions from the blogger that nominated you.
* Tell readers 11 random facts about yourself.
* Nominate up to 11 bloggers to receive the award next.
* Give your new nominees questions to answer about themselves when they post their nomination.

Thank you so much to the lovely Karren, @themamaedits, for my nomination. What a sweetheart… Her blog is awesome so please check it out!

Here are my questions she has given me –

1. What inspired you to start blogging?

I have always loved talking to people, especially now I’ve had children. My bonkers daughter was the inspiration for my first piece and it grew from there. I want people to read, enjoy and realise that they are not alone when it comes to motherhood! There are so many taboos and things that we are too scared to share… So I share my stories and thoughts hoping to give mamas some peace of mind.

2. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Golly… I love chips and pizza ! But would die if I lived off them same as biscuits! So let’s go for… Pasta! Haha! Can I just say Italian food?

3. What is your earliest memory?

Having a huge door opened onto my toe on holiday in Tenerife and a spider being in the toy Wendy house at nursery school.

4. What makes you laugh?

Silly jokes, I love a good pun.

5. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and why?

I have quite a few tattoos but want to get one for Sonny. Maybe a kewpie doll of some sort as I think he looks like one.

6. If all of your possessions had to magically disappear except for one, which one would you keep and why?

I have a particular woolly jumper that my mother gave me, it was either my fathers or grandfathers. It’s my one comforting possession, I wear it when I feel poorly, tired or sad.

7. What was your favourite subject at school and why?

Drama for sure. I was quite naughty at school so drama let me be as bonkers as I wanted. I went to university to study musical theatre and the thespian in me lives on! I can really go for it when singing “let it go!”. I also loved English, my teacher was hilarious and lovely.

8. Is motherhood what you expected?

It’s everything and more! With a little extra poo and sick just for good measure!

9. Where would you like to travel to and why?

Being from the coast I am lucky that when summer hits the beach is beautiful, but I would love to visit Bali. Austin, Texas, is meant to be the coolest place to visit too so would love to go there! Having children makes makes the though of holidays tricky. I sometimes feel like I need to be more spontaneous and braver when it comes to travelling with children.

10. What is your proudest moment in life?

Giving birth to my babies, and getting top grades at university the time my father passed away. Watching my children grow into awesome little humans.

11. Left handed or right?

I’m actually slightly ambidextrous. When I was little I would change over hands so I could suck my fingers. I would say dominantly right though.

11 Random Facts…

1. We all live with my mum as we are attempting to save to buy a house.
2. I don’t drive, we get on the trusty bus.
3. Sonny’s name was chosen after watching the Godfather when I was pregnant.
4. Mine and my mother’s middle name is Ann.
5. I have a tattoo of a Moomin that I got done as a dare years ago. I love him still.
6. My main pregnancy cravings were mints, and the smell of coffee, whisky and DIY shops. Weird eh?!
7. I am the youngest of three. My siblings are my sister Charlotte and brother Oliver.
8. Apparently I am very distantly related to a Beach Boy!
9. Both Luella and Sonny hum when they’re eating.
10. Their Granny Sue and Tommy live in America.
11. I’m only 5ft 1″ and have size 2 feet. Ollie is 6ft 2″. We look funny together.

I have now nominated the wonderful… @justsayingmum, @stateofmama, @akindmama, and @mummypiggles. Go ladies….

Here are your 11 questions-

1. What’s the best thing about being a blogger and why?-
2. What is your favourite feature and why?-
3. Do you have any phobias?-
4. What is your favourite tipple?-
5. Do you have a secret hobby?-
6. Give me your top 3 films-
7. Top on your bucket list and why?-
8. Give me 3 essentials for your handbag-
9. Childs favourite film or TV programme?-
10. Who are your role models?-
11. Best thing about being a mama and why?-

Hope you’ve all enjoyed! Can’t wait to see what you ladies have written! ❤ xxx

Big Baby Blues

The first thing I said to my dear partner once giving birth to Sonny was that “I’m never f-ing doing that again!”. The last thing I said when leaving the hospital was that “I would never be back!!!”….

So why am I now feeling a great sadness with these words I had said? I pass the maternity hospital now and again, remembering the precious moments that took place there. Luella was born there too, my scans, and appointments so all very exciting and emotional times. I get so sentimental that it makes me wonder will it happen again? A woman’s body and mind can play amazing tricks on her that a few months down the line the negativity of labouring a child disappears and all that’s left is a fine line between joy and heartache. As Sonny vastly approaches the big ONE, I feel bitterly sad with how time has gone so quickly. I wonder whether I appreciated his “smallness” enough, noticed every little change in him, packing clothes away turns me into a blubbering wreck.

How can I not remember him that small? It was only a few months ago! Has the busyness of our family life made time go quicker and me forget? I know that every mother goes through this within the first year of their child’s life but this time round it seems to have hit me harder than before. With Luella starting school in September too, all I wish is for time to slow down, or even just stop. Just so I can savour them being little for longer and have more time to enjoy them.

Is it a natural instinct that when your child gets to a certain age you long to be pregnant again, or are you just chasing those happy new baby feelings? It happened when Luella was the same age as Sonny is now and I’m beginning to feel those pining twinges again. Even though it would be completely impractical I still can’t help it, I’m the worst for bump envy. Going back to work in a children’s and maternity shop will only make matters worse, cooing over beautiful new babies and excitedly chatting to expectant mothers can make a broody lady go crazy! A truly wonderful job though, watching bump to baby and beyond.
Returning to work is another reason for my clingy baby squishing notions. In a few weeks I will be leaving Sonny and Luella in the fully capable hands of my amazing mother. My boobs may not agree with whole situation leaving the boy but it unfortunately has to be done at some point. Some me time at work will be refreshing I’m sure. Just the thought is wrenching at my heartstrings.

Luella asks for a sister all the time, and then continues the conversation about having a hundred babies. I personally think it’s a great idea and find these comments hilarious, but Ollie goes rather pale and quickly changes the subject.

Even though we are a long way off the point off even potentially having another baby I think I will just have to happily let my mind wander to baby land now and again. I should be happy that I am feeling these deep emotions about my children growing up and reaching new milestones, it’s only natural right? Hopefully all my friends get pregnant so I can enjoy their babies …then give them back! For now Luella and I can imagine our hundred babies leaving poor Daddy passed out on the floor! ❤ xxx

More Dinners for Moose!

So as my podge of a baby boy grows at a great rate of knots, I am trying to vary his diet and broaden his wee tastebuds.  As I’ve mentioned before, we are vegetarian, so I’ve introduced beans and pulses to Sonny’s food.  Most of Sonny’s meals that I make are vegan but on the occasion I will make a little cheesy dinner.

I have also found that the ice cube trays are getting a little tricky as the food gets lumpier. I bought a set of little food pots which are perfect for warming up when needed.  As Sonny is getting older he has more finger foods and still loves a little sandwich at lunchtime.  I keep meal times social but calm, he sits with his big sister watching her eat, I put down a couple of objects at a time onto his highchair table.  He just loves his food!


1/2 Butternut squash

1/2 Can of tinned toms

50g Tiny pasta stars (normally used for soups)

1 Courgette

1/3 Broccoli

1 Carrot

Cheese (optional)

Mixed Herbs

Cut the butternut squash into small cubes and roast or boil, I find roasting makes it creamier but boiling saves a little time.  Gently cook down grated courgette and carrot then add the tinned tomatoes and some mixed herbs, such as basil and oregano. The same time tiny stars are cooking, just like normal pasta just remember to stir often otherwise the little buggers get stuck to the bottom of the saucepan.  As the pasta gets slightly soft add the broccoli for the last remaining minutes.  When the squash has softened drain and mash as well as the broccoli, combine all ingredients together including the pasta.  If your baby is newer to the weaning game blitz it all up to make  a delightful lumpy mush that they will love.

Broc and Cauli Cheese (non Vegan)



Plain flour

1/2 Broccoli

1/2 Cauliflower

OK… are we feeling brave? I have never made a roux sauce before having children, but I decided to go all masterchef one night.  Add a knob of butter to a pan, once melted slowly add the flour (around 2 table spoons), stir in flour to a paste like consistency.  Then grab a whisk pour in a generous splash of milk and go for it, keep the heat quite low, and the sauce will thicken.  Grate in a little cheese and boom!!! Throw the steamed or shallow boiled veg, mashed, and stir it up (in the words of Bob Marely!)

Lentil Loveliness

1/2 Tin of toms

50g Red Lentils

2 Sticks of celery

2 Carrots

1/2 Courgette


I find lentils a bit tricky to cook at times so please follow the instructions on the packet, you will need to measure out the correct amount of water otherwise they will take 100 years to cook through properly.  Slowly cook down the celery, grated carrot, courgette then add the toms and gently simmer.  Once lentils are nice and soft add the whole mixture together and you’re done!

I am really not the greatest cook in the world but I do find a great satisfaction in feeding my man meals that I’ve made from scratch.  I know whats going into his dinners and they save on the pennies too! ❤ xxx

You’ve Got This!

Ok… where’s the empowering drum roll for all you amazing ladies…
Yes that’s right… I’m getting all Beyoncé on you all!  Just a little pep talk/ pick me up/regroup/ refresh ❤

I really think that us mothers need to stop giving ourselves such a hard time. Can we just focus on all the amazing things that we have accomplished? Stop watching everyone else and enjoy the wonders of what’s in front of you.

I’m so guilty of looking at other people lives and wondering the ‘what ifs?’ and ‘buts’.  When I find myself in a little rut such as this, all I really need to do is look at my little brood and be thankful. We have a loving little family and even though we haven’t left the house that day we’ve really been up to all sorts, we have the mess to prove it!

We are always wishing for more, whether it be lifestyle, image, or money. Take a breathe and clear your mind of all these stresses, sit back and watch your children from afar, notice how hilarious they are, I guarantee it will make you feel better. I’m not sure why we look at the negative so often but it is a massive weight to carry.  The truth is that we only see a snippet of other peoples lives, who knows that after that lovely family photo you’ve seen on social media, all hell broke loose… we can only hope, right?

If your child’s behaviour is making you feel frustrated and tired, rethink the whole situation. Turn it into a positive, focus on how you deal with it, and feel proud of yourself that you get through the tough moments. Children cannot be predicted, we all know it can all flip at any second. Just as long as you don’t beat yourself up over the whys and just move on. As I’ve mentioned before, talking about it can make such a difference, even the children that you think are angels can be devils behind closed doors. If you know a friend who is having a little trouble you’d be amazed how a few kind words can make her feel.  I know this from personal experience.  We’re all in it together and going through similar journeys, let’s help each other out!

If money is a little tight then don’t go to soft play, have a little fun at home or go to the park. You will find that most mothers (especially on maternity leave) are feeling the same strain. Just nobody likes to talk about it. Maybe suggest a little walk and take a flask of hot chocolate, much better than those enclosed, overpriced, screamfests!

Another joy of social media is that it seems like the world and their cherubs are constantly going on awesome days out.  Am I the only one who stays in all day watching tiny pop getting cabin fever?… of course not… television as well as your children’s diet is another taboo of motherhood.  Luella is going to turn into a bowl of pasta at this rate!

Really there so many things that make us feel guilty and at a dead end whether it’s breastfeeding, going back to work, or housework, the list is endless. We just need to remember what is important and please, please, please remember that raising children is bloody tough and you are doing an amazing job. If it wasn’t for you they wouldn’t be on this earth being fed, clothed and loved. Just keep it simple, think of everything you’ve done today, not everything you haven’t. Enjoy your time with your babies… the washing can wait. ❤ xxx

Oh My Boy!

When friends ask how my little ones are doing I always seem to go all gushy when my boy is mentioned.  Why is a mothers love oh so soppy?

‘A son is a son till he finds a wife, a daughter’s a daughter for the rest of her life.’ My mother used to say this quote to me and now I understand the true meaning behind it.

Sonny is my baby number two, which leaves me thinking… Are these feelings all down to me realising how quickly these first few months go? Or do you have different feeling towards each child? Does it make a difference to what sex your child is? I still think my squishy baby boy has a part to play.

As soon as I found out I was expecting a little dude I knew that he would be a chunky, kind hearted bruiser boy.  I was super sick in early stages of pregnancy but when that passed it was a dream.  I loved being pregnant second time round, I went to yoga, wore the right clothes and cherished every kick.  The last trimester was a little hectic to say the least, it was the summer of weddings, a house move and working two jobs.  Needless to say my boy decided to make an early appearance just to add to the excitement.  After a couple of weeks in hospital we were home safe and sound.  I was determined to breastfeed him, which didn’t quite work out with Luella, again difference between first and second baby? This time I was more relaxed and felt confident with looking after my new baby, if I was going to have any problems I would seek help.  Which I did and am so thankful for, feeding him has definitely given us a wonderful bond.

…The amazing lady who helped me through the difficulty has now lost her job through to council funding cuts… a blog for the future there!…

Sonny isn’t quick to reach a milestone, just taking his time and smiling all the way.  As I’ve mentioned before the difference between Sonny and Luella is quite remarkable.  As a baby Luella was more high maintenance,  a little fussy and showed independence from a very early age.  She would have to be rocked to sleep every night, whereas Sonny doesn’t like the fuss.  My little laid back man just sits there contently gazing at his whirlwind sister flying around the house.  He absolutely adores her, and watching their relationship blossom is amazing.  She too just loves him, maybe just a little too much resulting in a little squashing session!

In my house as I imagine in every other, there is always a toy to find, a drink to be made, a wee to be assisted with or a book to read which means that I need to savour every cuddle.  I know too well from Luella that their little lives get too busy for cuddles with the hustle and bustle of Barbies and dressing up.  But in Sonny’s case I hope he has a little more time to give me a squeeze, people say that boys are more affectionate… and muddy.  I remember when Sonny was a little sparrow legged boy and now his edible rolls are irresistible!  My poor Moose is constantly being attacked by my love of his chunky thighs, I fear these days are numbered so for now I will take all the dribbly, muddy cuddles I can get.  As for the ‘son till he finds a wife’? I’d like to think I’ll be the number one lady in his life. ❤ xxx


Rush Hour

When the washing machine is beeping at you, your name is being called countlessly (muuuummmmmy… You know the tone!) and your baby is a grizzly bear from teething, how do you cope? Hands on or hide?

I feel a little bit of both is required at times! What I consider as “me time” nowadays is a million miles away from what it used to be.

Whether it’s a sneaky pee break with your phone or a little sit down with a brew and a biscuit, I would be completely burnt out if it wasn’t for these tiny moments. They need to be savoured because let’s face it, who knows when the next one will be?

My Sonny’s nap times can go one way or the other at the moment and annoyingly I feel rather lost if it’s a lengthy one. Am I just used to these quick five relaxation periods before all goes bonkers again? I have even power napped for less than 5 minutes before, waking up feeling perfectly refreshed! How is that even possible?  Why does the guilt kick in when I need a little longer to replenish and recharge?  It facinates me to watch mothers at work, like we are all ticking away on low energy and sustenance, how do we just get on with it and carry on?

There comes a time in our house where everyone is at their lowest … The dreaded 5pm! Sonny’s hungry, Luella is tired, I’m most probably both and we’re all waiting for Daddy to come through the door. A fresh face can make the world of difference when you’ve been waist high in Disney and play dough all afternoon.  Poor man has to deal with all of us fighting for his attention, no wonder he hides upstairs for a 5 minute breather too.

But back to us mothers… Come the evening time all there is left of little old me is a shell of sleepiness. Bedtime to me seems blissful and most nights it can’t come early enough!  I’ve made it through another day, and I feel proud.  A little reflection at the end of a crazy day can make you appreciate what you have, learn from your mistakes and focus on what’s important. Do we need to learn to give ourselves just a little more time to reflect and relax? I think no matter how tricky the idea is we could all do with another cup of tea and a digestive. xxx

Ode to my Top Knot

The definition of a top knot…

(NOUN) – A knot of hair arranged on the top of your head.

To me my top knot represents just a little more than this, it represents me as a mother.  A little un-organised, messy at times and quick! find the easiest solution!  Not to mention getting hot and bothered trying arrange my life, keeping my hair away from my little man’s intertwining fingers, constantly running out of time and for the bus.

Strangely enough if I do ever decide today is the day to sort my excuse for a Brillo pad bun, it slowly returns to itself within a couple of hours. The moment my locks look lengthy and kept, a panic arises as if things are a little too organised.  I’m used to things being slightly chaotic in my life – if there’s not a pile of stickle bricks somewhere on the floor, or a half eaten apple core on the table, then I feel slightly uneasy.  Perfection is not my thing, I never strive for it nor does it fall in to my lap, apart from my children’s angelic faces (wink wink).

When the day is over I feel a great sense of satisfaction if things are a little tidier, but I try to not let the washing basket rule my life.  Don’t get me wrong, the washing machine does holler at me most days, but I have learnt “slow and steady” wins the race.  Spreading myself too thin can lead to a big old stressed out mama, the top knot then grows bigger and messier too! Just getting a couple of jobs done a day so I can hang with my little posse makes life all tickety boo.  Obviously there are days when all of this goes completely out of the window and I turn into a whirling dervish blitzing everything everywhere. But watch out, on these days I need to be approached with caution, just like my little firecracker of a daughter I too turn into little miss small but feisty!

To me its just not worth the tears and stress, I once had a lady say to me that she would never have more than two children because she is such a perfectionist when it comes to her life and that she feels sick if beds aren’t made before she leaves the house in the morning.  I found this shocking that such major life decisions had been made due to having a clean house.  May I add that this lady did NOT have a top knot!

Roll on the countless peas stuck in the rug, the tiny barbie clothes in peculiar places and missing shoes.  This what makes life real, as does my signature hair style, I look at mothers who have their shit together and imagine how mine could be similar.  In all honestly it never will be nor do I want it, not that I don’t admire all they do and the way they execute it, they are superwomen.  We all have our routines and rituals and thats what makes us who we are.

So another day has begins and as I apply the warpaint I look at my sorry mop, thinking whether to give it a little attention.  The band slowly comes off with a little struggle and some hair loss,and there it is… “MUUUUUMMMMMMMYYYYY!!!”… Sorry locks, back in you go!

Mad props to any mother that can avoid donning the topknot, I bow down to you!  But to mothers rocking the “messy bun” look daily like me …. grab a vintage scarf, tie a big bow to jazz it up a little, it’ll make you feel like we too have our shit together as well.  Plus it’s a great distraction from the “up do” going on behind it! xxx

Dressed to Impress?

So I need to be careful that this comes across in the right way…

Are we as mothers always worried what others are thinking? Especially what other mothers think about you? The way you dress? The way your children are dressed?

When Luella was a wee little one, I started going to a little sing song group at the local library, it was free and close to home so I thought it would something nice for us to do. I found myself feeling nervous being surrounded by other mothers en masse. What were they thinking of me? I’m the only one here without a wedding ring? Am I dressed appropriately? What even is a yummy mummy?

I know this sounds a little ridiculous, as these people are complete strangers and we had all come to this class to sing nursery rhymes and bounce our babies up and down. As classes went on I’d get the little “Hellos” when walking in and little conversations between songs regarding my little Lu. But as all mothers wheeled out in force heading to the local coffee shops I would find myself feeling a little down. How can a little library group make me feel like the first day of school?! Every week I would perfectly lay out an outfit for Luella overthinking it all, even down to the socks. May I say nowadays the last of my worries is socks. I’m lucky if a sock is even considered! But at the time this meant a great deal to me, I felt like a young mother and thought I was being judged, therefore if my daughter was dressed in lovely dungarees and twee shirt I would then come across more respectable.

Over time new mothers came along and I found myself watching them, they looked slightly nervous and out of place. They didn’t yet know the words to ” Wind the Bobbin Up” so felt a little awkward. I found comfort in observing these ladies and then realised that were we all in the same boat? I wasn’t yet convinced.

My wardrobe was beginning to change into what I thought a new mother should wear. Safe to say my stripy t-shirt collection grew, I was wearing leather boots and nice knitwear. Things I wouldn’t have really considered before, but I wanted to look sensible and responsible. In the summer I would become paranoid about my tattoos showing and always considered taking my lip piercing out. My hair was natural even though I would’ve loved to scalp bleach it and pop on some blusher.

My face was becoming more well known at the library and even now the coffee shops, my nerves were disappearing and I would happily sing at the top of my voice, knowing that Luella found it hilarious (she’d tell me off now!). It became our little thing that we did together and her interaction with other little ones her age was fascinating.

As time went on I became more confident in myself as a mother and realised that “I have got this!”. It really didn’t matter what I wore or what Lu was wearing. We needed to create our own little identity as a family, so there it began.

As I became more relaxed my confidence grew, I would be the one to say the “Hellos” at the group and even started more groups. Where I have made some wonderfully great friends, our children are growing up together and it’s a blessing.

My stripy t-shirt collection is still rather grand but they’re teamed with my holey favourite dungarees and over worn trainers. I wear a bow in my hair and pink lipstick.

I love that there are mothers out there sharing their confidence, inspiring other new and not so new mamas to feel themselves and great in whatever they decide to wear. Don’t waste your time, or pennies, on something that you don’t feel comfortable in or you think will make you fit in.

Being a parent will make you fit in, no matter your age, background, bank balance we all have sleepless nights and baby food in our hair.

I do still lay out Luella’s clothes because I find it enjoyable, needless to say she never wears what I lay out. She’s now created her own style, heaven forbid!

Our bags are full of the same crap wether it be a Louis or a Kanken. We have all got this ❤ xxx

Sonnys Favourite Dinners!

sonnyWhen the time had finally come to wean my not so little baby boy I was so excited to experiment with yummy recipes.

There are different ways to wean and everyone has a preferred method.  Whether you choose baby led, pureed food or just starting with baby rice, my personal preference was a little bit of everything letting him discover the wonderful world of food.

These recipes are for pureed food suitable for 7 months + as they are quite lumpy.  I have always found making a big batch worthwhile and amazing when Sonny turns into a massive hungry grump! My collection of IKEA ice cube trays has come in handy, just pop a few out and heat up! Sometimes I add a little water and baby rice to make it go further.

So here are a few of moose’s favourites ….

Sonny’s Bean Stew

1 Can of mixed bean salad

2 Sweet Potatoes

1 Courgette

1 Carrot

A couple of broccoli stems

Half a tin of toms

Starting off with the sweet potatoes and carrots, simmer gently until they start to go soft. Then goes in the beans (give them a good rinse!), broccoli and courgette. Give these roughly 5 minutes. Once you’re happy with their softness, drain off and add the tomatoes. Leave to simmer through on a low heat for a further 5-10 minutes!

Then …. Blitz blitz blitz! Portion up and VOILA!!!

Not so Chilli Con Carne

1/2 Can of kidney beans

1 1/2 Courgettes

1 Carrot

A couple of broccoli stems

50g Giant cous cous

Half a tin of toms

Pinch of oregano

This one is very similar to the “Sonnys Bean Stew” but instead of mixed beans just go for half a tin of kidney beans.  Leave out the sweet potato and add a little more courgette.  I have really found a love for giant cous cous in my children’s cooking, so I add a big old handful (about 50g) to this mix once all has cooked.  To finish add a pinch of oregano… Yum yum!

Fruity Tooty Crumble

4 apples

4 pears

Big handful of blueberries

2 heaped tablespoons of porridge oats

So this pud is super easy peasy!  After peeling and chopping the fruit, gently simmer the apples and pears in shallow water. Once they start to soften throw in the blueberries and oats.  Start giving them a stir around and this is when you’ll notice the berries going all gooey.

Depending on how thick you want the consistency is all down to blitz or mash? I tend to just use a fork to make it a bit lumpy, or you can use the trusty blitzer.

Sonny is also very partial to a houmous sarnie too, so don’t think it has to be purees all the way.

Hope you and your little one enjoy! I will add a few more recipes at a later date.

Be a bit brave and adventurous when it comes to mixing flavours, and add a touch of herbs too!